O Brasil e sua economia emergente continuam a chamar a atenção internacional. Após as eleições presidenciais, o Deutsche Bank realizou uma série de análises da situação do país, e a conclusão não é de assustar os mercados financeiros.
Com Dilma Rousseff à frente do país, o banco alemão acredita na continuidade da política financeira de Lula. De acordo com o documento “Brasil Depois das Eleições – o que vem agora?”, as condições são extremamente favoráveis para que o país continue a crescer nos próximos quatro anos. Mais ainda, o banco alemão tem certeza de que o país gozará de estabilidade financeira.
Para o analista do Deutsche Bank, Markus Jaeger, “temos essa avaliação positiva em relação ao Brasil praticamente desde que Lula chegou ao poder. Temos uma visão favorável quanto ao panorama de crescimento brasileiro a médio prazo”.
Texto de Cibele Riccomini – Correspondente Internacional – Inglaterra
Indifference to a rigid economic model will continue with Dilma, says Deutsche Bank
The lack of pressure into following a political and economic model is what best define the Brazilian resilience against all the odds of the international economic crisis and it has secured the country the position of one of the fastest growing emerging countries.
This tact should be continuing with Dilma Rousseff in power and it will not affect the Brazilian economy growth, says de Deutsche Bank.
Brazil and its emerging economy continue to amaze and attract international attention. After the election period in the country, the Deutsche Bank carried out a series of analysis regarding the situation in Brazil. The conclusion is not shocking the financial markets either.
With Dilma Rousseff ahead of the country, the German bank believes that there will be indeed a continuity of Lula’s programmes. According to the document “Brazil After the Elections – What Comes Next?” (O Brazil Apos as Eleicoes – O Que Acontece Agora?), the conditions could not have been better and more favourable for the country to continue growing in the next four years. Furthermore, Brazil will also display to the international arena a very solid and stabilised economy.
Markus Jaeger, the Deutsche Bank analyst, said “we have had a positive evaluation of Brazil’s economy since Lula started governing the country. We have a favourable vision of the Brazilian economic panorama in medium terms”.

Written by Cibele Riccomini – Correspondente Internacional – Inglaterra